Moving to Nebraska
Hello! I know it has been a looong time since I have posted. A lot has been going on lately and I haven't had a whole lot of spare time for much of anything!! This August, my husband and I are moving to Lincoln, Nebraska, where he will be starting a PhD program at the Gallup Leadership Institute at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. We are in the process of selling our house, and looking for a new house in Lincoln. I am looking for a new job in Lincoln, too. In addition, we have vacation plans in Asia for all of July. Put all of this together, and life is just a bit crazy right now!!!!
Because we are selling our house, I put away my gas tank and disconnected my torch, because prospective homebuyers are a little weird about seeing giant gas tanks sitting around! :) So until September, I will not be accepting any bead orders. I do have a few sets of beads that are already made and available for sale. I may clean out my bead containers and list a few more sets before I move, but we'll see. :)
What else have I been doing lately? My sister Mary got married on April 20th so that kept me busy for awhile (making jewelry, hemming dresses, etc.) Then my sister Barbara surprised us by getting married a week later!! At the end of April, David & I spent a weekend in Chicago, and then we also spent a weekend in Bermuda for our 5-year wedding anniversary (May 18th). :) We ran another successful MYLead leadership conference 2 weekends ago and are tying up lots of loose ends from that event (173 high school students attended the 3-day conference on the campus of Michigan State University, which is a 30% increase from last year!!!) Throw in a few family birthdays and my good friend Linda having her first baby, and you might be able to see why it's taken me nearly 2 months to post anything in my blog! :) But life is good. :)
Have a great long Memorial Day weekend!
OMG! Julie this is huge news! Sorry I haven't been online much lately to chat. So much happening all at once but it'll be a great adventure. I hope everything falls into place fast for you guys with a smooth move and selling your house (which is gorgeous!)
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