I can't believe I let 3 weeks go by without writing anything here...aaack!!! Now that classes have started, I've just been so busy and haven't had as much time for bead-making/jewelry-making as I would prefer. But I have been doing some big bead orders and custom jewelry, which is always fun! I have a major group project due in my marketing class next week, so that has been consuming a huge amount of my time. At least that will be over soon! And there's a lot of reading for one of my other classes, plus a huge paper to think about for my third class. I'm enjoying my reduced work schedule, it gives me more time for homework. So that is good. I decided to combine 2 of my Christmas bead sets into one jumbo-sized set! I put it up on Ebay earlier this week. I also listed a pink/black/lime charm bracelet set made with my own lampwork beads. I really like how it turned out!!! Aside from all this, I'm also keeping busy with church activities. Half of the membership of my church is student-based, so there is a huge turnover every year. My husband and I are two of the Reader Coordinators, so we've been busy training all the new readers (we have 35 new ones and even more 'returning' ones!!), working on the schedule for fall, answering e-mails, etc. At least we only need to do this once per semester, it is a lot of work but it is also a lot of fun. :) What else is new...hmmm...this weekend is the Huron Township Applefest in New Boston! Yay!!! I get to go "home" and eat soup in a breadbowl, eat caramel apple slices, and see some friends. :) We are also celebrating my sister Barbara's birthday this weekend. Plus I'm sure I'll have a marketing group meeting sometime this weekend, and who knows what other activities will come up. It is supposed to be a really cold weekend, which always seems to happen when Applefest comes. Today it is supposed to get up to 73 degrees, but it feels chillier than that. It's been in the mid-60's for the last couple days. I guess it's almost October, so it makes sense that it is getting colder, but I'm not ready yet!!! :)
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