Greetings! I had fun making some Easter-themed beads this past weekend. If these don't sell at my craft show this weekend, you'll be seeing them for sale on my site and on Ebay in the near future!! I tried my hand at Easter eggs for the first time, and I also made my very first cross!! Unfortunately it was NOT easy...but I do hope to make more of them eventually. :) Please click for larger pictures.
I also made some jewelry using some of my starfish beads, and I *LOVE* how fun and colorful this jewelry is!!
And finally, some adorable cat and dog jewelry!!
So we'll see what's left after the craft show (always hard to predict what people will be buying!!) It is a big show - all day Saturday AND Sunday, and I really hope it goes well. :)
Also, I have been working on some updates here and there...I have updated my "About Me" page on Ebay, and added a lot of nice new pictures!
I also decided to do what I've seen several other artists do...making it possible to special-order bead sets that I have made in the past and could replicate upon request! I've always had *individual* beads for custom order on my site, but somehow I never did bead *sets* that way!! So now, you can check out my website's "My Beads" section and order all kinds of previously-made bead sets! Please allow 2 weeks for delivery on these, as I will make them when you order them. Right now, I have posted several bead sets, and I have a bunch more that I intend to post in the next week or so. So keep checking back!!
And finally (yes, this is a lot of updates for me!!), I am also going to open up a bead/jewelry shop on Etsy, which is a special website for all things handmade. I know several people who have had a lot of success on Etsy, so I am excited to join as well. I actually signed up for an Etsy account awhile back, but never actually posted anything there. So that is my next project!! I'll be posting a lot of the same items there that I have on my website, but I'm thinking there will be different people shopping there who might not know about my site. So this will be exciting! :)