Hello! I just have to post a picture of the adorable necklace I made myself for Christmas. It features a lampwork penguin and snowman, both handmade by myself!
By day, I am a Research Associate at the University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. I finished my Master's degree in Survey Methodology at UM in April 2006, yet I still seem to have very little spare time!! But I do manage to find some time for bead-making and jewelry-making, which are major creative outlets and tons of fun! I've been making various types of jewelry for the past 12 years or so, and I started making lampwork beads in April 2003. In addition to the aforementioned, I am also an avid traveler (heading to Asia next!). My husband David and I have also traveled to Hawaii, Australia, Europe, South America, and Africa over the last several years. We also enjoy running and fitness, and we run in several races for charity/community organizations each year. Both of us are also very involved at our church and with Michigan Youth Leadership (www.mylead.org), which hosts leadership conferences for high school students. We also have two dilute calico kitties, Mouse & Patches, who keep us very entertained!
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